Foundation statutes and trust agreement

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body of the Foundation. It is currently composed of the following individuals.

  1. Dr. Vera Kattermann, Founder. She works as a psychotherapist in Berlin.
  2. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas c Dehmel, architect, works as a fire protection expert in Berlin.
  3. Dr. Klaus Fritsche, former Managing Director of the Asia House Foundation, Cologne

The business of the Foundation is managed by Dr. Monika Schlicher, Executive Director of the Foundation.

Foundation statutes and trust agreement

Here you can find the statutes of the foundation:

And here the trust agreement concluded between Dr. Vera Kattermann and the Stiftung Asienhaus.

“Although we face difficulties, I want to fight for the lives of the poor because there is always a way forward.”

Dr. Poe Poe

Scholarship Holder 2015/16


Asia House Foundation
Dr. Monika Schlicher
Hohenzollernring 52
50672 Köln

Dr. Klaus Fritsche

Donation account

GLS Bank
IBAN: DE27430609674075158900


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