Donations and endowments to the Foundation for Consumption or to the Foundation’s base fund
The initial capital of the foundation was raised from the inheritance of Bettina Kattermann. The Bettina Kattermann Foundation is conceived as a consumer foundation. This means that the foundation’s purposes are financed not only from the interest but also from the foundation capital itself. Since this is reduced annually by the scholarship payments, we are continuously dependent on further endowments and donations.
Donate: You can donate an amount of your choice on a one-time or recurring basis. You will receive a donation receipt for this (if you provide your address), which you can claim in your annual tax return.
Donation account
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE97 4306 0967 4075 1589 01
An endowment: For tax purposes, an endowment has the same effect as a donation to a charitable association: 20 percent of the total income of the donor can be deducted as special expenses. Deductible contributions which exceed the above-mentioned maximum amount or which are not taken into account in the year of the contribution may be deducted as special expenses in subsequent years within the limits of the maximum amounts.
Donating to the foundation base: The Bettina Kattermann Foundation also has a financial core as an “eternity foundation” – the foundation base. This may not be used for current expenditure; only its interest income is used to finance our work.
An additional endowment in this “eternal foundation” is also particularly favoured from a tax point of view:
The donors are also granted a maximum taxable amount of 1 million euros, whereby the donation can be spread over up to ten years. However, this regulation only brings additional advantages if the donor really wants to donate a large amount or has already exhausted his normal maximum amounts for donations/endowments through other support activities.
Consultation with your tax advisor is recommended here. If necessary, we can help you to find a suitable tax lawyer.
General information on endowments can be found here.
“I want to share my knowledge and experience with my colleagues and other health care professionals to support our country’s efforts to improve the health care system.”

Asia House Foundation
Dr. Monika Schlicher
Hohenzollernring 52
50672 Köln
Dr. Klaus Fritsche
Donation account
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE27430609674075158900