Naing Ko Phyo – Scholarship Holder 2018/19
(Public Health Research)
Year of Birth 1990
2012 Studied at the University of Community Health (UCH) in Magway (Myanmar).
2012-2015 work for the Myanmar Health Assistant Association. Deployment in Rakhine State:
emergency care for refugees
2018-2019 Scholarship Master’s Program “Public Health”, Mahidol University, Bangkok
2019 Master “Public Health”, Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand)
And how has your career progressed since then? Unfortunately we do not have any information at the moment.
“My ambition is to build an academic foundation for myself and connect with the network of international expertise.” (Naing Ko Phyo)
About me
A big goal in my life is to become a qualified public health professional. I want to work for the disadvantaged people in our country and support other public health professionals in their work.
So far, after graduating from high school in my hometown of Htilin, I have attended the University of Community Health (UCH) in Magway. In addition to my full-time education at UCH, I have also been involved in a number of community activities in Magway. There I was able to gain valuable skills that will be helpful in my future work in public health.
In August 2012, shortly after the outbreak of the conflict in Rakhine, which later became a major international issue, I worked for the Myanmar Health Assistant Association (MHAA) for conflict-affected people in Sittwe and Myebon. During my 3 years in Rakhine, I had the opportunity to apply my knowledge and skills in the field of public, health for vulnerable IDPs. I was able to learn how to treat complex emergencies there.
It made me realize: If I want to be able to use advanced knowledge in public health in the future, I need more comprehensive training to improve my knowledge and technical skills in this field.
This is the main reason why I chose the Master of Public Health course – both for our country and for my future. I am currently working in Yangon as a “Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer” for the International Rescue Committee (IRC) for emergency health programs. At the same time, I also volunteer as a core member of the BHS Family Education Support Group, which helps students complete a Bachelor of Commerce degree at UCH.
Mahidol University has an excellent reputation in Thailand and in Asia. Not only the advanced curriculum, but also the inspired goals of the Master of Public Health program (MPH program) are very much in line with my area of interest, the context of our country, and my future career aspirations. Among the updated curriculum of the MPH program, epidemiology, biostatistics and research methodology are the most interesting topics for me.
However, the cost of post-graduate studies at Mahidol University was the main obstacle for me to pursue this educational path.
After graduating from Mahidol University, I want to serve my country and work especially for vulnerable and displaced people. My ambition is to build an academic foundation and connect with the network of international expertise. This makes an academic year at Mahidol possible for me I will have the opportunity to use many academic resources there to expand my knowledge in the field of public health care and gain information for further innovative studies in this field.
I hope that in this way I can give support to many graduates in the future and give back what I have received.

Asia House Foundation
Dr. Monika Schlicher
Hohenzollernring 52
50672 Köln
Dr. Klaus Fritsche
Donation account
GLS Bank
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