Zaw Zen Let – Scholarship Holder 2015/16
(Public Health)
Year of Birth 1992
2008 – 2012 Community Health course in Magway leading to a Bachelor’s degree.
2016 Scholarship Master Program ” Public Health” Mahidol University, Bangkok (Thailand)
And how has your career progressed since the scholarship? Zaw Zen Let currently works for World Vision on the Enrich project, which works to improve maternal and child nutrition. Since 2018, promotion to Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. He has his workplace in Yangon, but travels a lot to remote and hard-to-reach areas of the country.
About me
My name is Zaw Zen Let. I am Kachin and belong to one of the ethnic minorities in Myanmar. I am from Namti (Mogaung Township in Kachin State). My biggest goal in life is to become a qualified public health professional. I am also a permanent member of the “Myanmar Health Assitant Association” (MHAA), which has implemented many public health programs in Myanmar.
My education
In 2008, I received my university entrance qualification from Basic Education High School No. 1 in Namti. I studied at the “University of Community Health” in Magway from December 2008 to December 2012 and obtained a Bachelor of Community Health.
My plans for the future
First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to the Bettina Kattermann Foundation and KAAD, who consistently support poor students like me, and to the donors who are willing to support the Bettina Kattermann Foundation’s scholarship program with their money. To put it bluntly, I myself cannot afford the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program at Mahidol University from my own funds. Also my parents do not have enough money to finance such a study.
As for me, my biggest dream is to study Public Health at Mahidol University. That’s why I applied for a scholarship from the Bettina Kattermann Foundation. And now my dream can become reality, as I have been selected as a Bettina Kattermann Foundation scholarship holder for the 2015 academic year.
Myanmar, one of the poorest developing countries in the world, still spends little money on health care compared to other countries. In addition, Myanmar needs many human resources (public health included) at the same time to effectively and efficiently implement all components of a comprehensive health system.
I myself aspire to work intensively as a professional health worker in Myanmar. To be able to perform complex public health functions and conduct various types of public health investigations at macro and micro levels, I need more education, knowledge and technical skills in this field. This is the reason why I decided to pursue the Master of Public Health – for my Myanmar community as well as for my professional future.
After graduating from Mahidol University, I will be involved in the implementation of public health projects aimed at assisting vulnerable communities (especially the marginalized population there) in remote and hard-to-reach areas. In close coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders in the health sector, I will do my best to support the vulnerable population by strengthening public health care – because health is one of the basic human rights.
Dr. Zaw Zen Let
My email: livinglife.2211(at)

Asia House Foundation
Dr. Monika Schlicher
Hohenzollernring 52
50672 Köln
Dr. Klaus Fritsche
Donation account
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE27430609674075158900